Earl Grey Chocolate Cake

Earl Grey Chocolate Cake

So living alone, I have plenty of time to cook and when I feel a little lonely, I find baking to be quite an enjoyable exercise. After successfully baking Bara Brith last week, I pondered what to make next and remembering an article I read a few months ago about a chocolate cake made with Earl Grey tea, I decided to give that a try.

The recipe required a bundt cake tin and so today I went into Cardiff City Centre, on a hunt for an affordable cake tin. After finding Lakeland a tad too expensive for my stretched income, I happened upon a selection of them in tkmax, a bargain at £5.99. After buying my cake tin and taking a further trip to the supermarket to buy ingredients (by foot… I need the exercise these days), it was time to cook.

Recipe Ingredients 

  • Approximately 250ml (1 cup) Earl Grey Tea using 6 tea bags or 2 tablespoons loose tea
  • 113g / 4oz Butter
  • 3 Eggs
  • 500g Granulated Sugar
  • 500g Plain/All Purpose Flour
  • 125g Plain Chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Bicarbonate Soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon Salt
  • 125g Plain Yogurt


1. Brew 250ml of Earl Grey Tea, measure out the ingredients and melt the chocolate.

2. Add the butter and the sugar to a bowl and cream (mix) them together.

Butter and Sugar
Butter and Sugar

3. Add the three eggs then mix thoroughly before adding the chocolate.

Mixed Butter, Sugar, Eggs and Chocolate
Mixed Butter, Sugar, Eggs and Chocolate

4. Add in the flour, baking soda and bicarbonate soda and once again, mix thoroughly until the mixture thickens.

Mixture with the flour and powered ingredients added
Mixture with the flour and powered ingredients added

5. Alternate between adding the cooled down tea and the yogurt then mix thoroughly, the mixture will then take on the texture of standard cake mix.

Finished cake mix
Finished cake mix

6. Pour the mixture into a bundt cake tin.

Ready to bake
Ready to bake

7. Bake in a preheated oven until the cake has risen and a knife comes out of the cake clean, with a few crumbs, then remove from the oven.

Ready to remove from the oven
Ready to remove from the oven

8. Allow to cool, then turn out onto a plate. I dusted the top of the cake with some extra sugar to give it some extra flair, and here is the final result…

Earl Grey Chocolate Cake
Earl Grey Chocolate Cake

After having having two slices, an initial test piece then a slice with my cup of tea, I have settled down to watch Julie and Julia with a glass (or two) of wine. I do have Julia Child’s ‘Mastering the Art of French Cooking’, perhaps I should give that a try… what do you think?